Solus Invictus

Thoughts and Contemplations on the Conquering Son

August 28, 2007

Confidence Man - Psalm 27

So, here I am, 5 months later with a new post! Good thing I don't get paid for blogging, or my pockets would be empty!

David expresses such great confidence in the Lord in this passage; he had enemies all around, trying to take him down, ruin his credibility, destroy his integrity, question his authority and even murder him. But David's complete faith in God was untouched at this time, and he exclaims it with no uncertainty:

"The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?" Verse 2
We live in a world, culture and society full of doubt and cause for doubt. Political upheaval, economic fluctuation, social unrest, racial tension, ethnic conflict, sexual immorality, educational indoctrination, moral ambiguity and religious relativism surround us, like so many bloodthirsty barbarians encamped around a hill that we live on. They are ready at a moment's notice to charge the hill, slay us all and burn our village to the ground. Yet we have reason for great confidence!

Our 'village', our 'stronghold' is the Lord Himself! The horde cannot even penetrate its walls, least of all cause us harm. At best, they can yell and scream, hurl spears and arrows our way, and attempt to intimidate us, but in the end, the fight is already lost for them!

How easily we forget this truth! Do I live daily in this kind of confidence? Do I go about my life with the complete assurance that God will prevail and nothing else matters? God, give me more faith today!


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