Solus Invictus

Thoughts and Contemplations on the Conquering Son

December 14, 2006

Eyes Fixed on Christ

Acts 7:54-60
Stephen's words obviously troubled the people listening to him, but it wasn't until he gazed at heaven and saw Christ at God's right hand that they went into a rage and took action.
If we are to affect those around us who do not yet follow Christ, our eyes must remain fixed on Him! We can do nothing in our own flesh, despite the best of intentions, the greatest preparation or the most impressive display. Even my best efforts to share Christ will fail if I am not focused on Him, because it is that focus itself that will in turn spill into every aspect of my life.
We must also realize that though we may reveal Christ to others through our lives, there will always be some who do not respond. As Stephen saw Christ glorified, the crowd covered their ears and rushed him; they were wholly intent on drowning out the truth with their anger, their voices and their actions. We face this kind of opposition, especially if we live with our eyes fixed on Him, but again it is that very focus that enables us to do His will, despite slings, stones and arrows.

December 4, 2006

Delegate, delegate, delegate!

Acts 6:1-7 describes the early church's first leadership dilemma; as Peter, James and the other disciples of Jesus are working to teach and pass on all they have learned from Christ, certain other needs are going unmet! This is brought to their attention and they make a decision that sets an important example for us all.

We are each called to certain kinds of work by God, and fulfilling our purpose according to Him means following that call and none other. While some may be called to seemingly thankless jobs (putting up chairs, for example), the importance of each believer's call cannot be understated. The twelve disciples did not pull names out of a hat in order to see food properly distributed; they prayed and considered the character and reputation of the men they chose!

Verse 3 says, "But select from among you, brethren, seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task." Yet, how carelessly and haphazardly we often select people to do things!

More importantly, how often do we as leaders choose to do them ourselves. Delegation is the key to good leadership. As we move forward in any kind of ministry, its spiritual leaders must remember to "work themselves out of a job" by passing on everything they can, and at the same time watching carefully over those to whom they have given responsibility.