Solus Invictus

Thoughts and Contemplations on the Conquering Son

January 28, 2007


In the tech industry, FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt". I had my own experience with these emotions this past week, to a degree that I have rarely ever felt them before.

My job with Desert Springs Church calls upon me to serve in a few different capacities, based on my God-given talents, personality and resources, and recently I have been overwhelmed with a certain major project we are trying to complete. This past few days, I thought I would have a nervous breakdown as a result of the tremendous pressure to finish the job well, combined with an inordinate amount of obstacles, challenges and miscommunications. I found myself Friday night nearly panicked over it all, but still managed to get to sleep, hoping Saturday would be better.

Saturday wasn't better. At first, anyway. Tasks we had set out to complete were delayed, people we were relying on couldn't make it, work we thought we could do a certain way simply didn't function how we thought it would! Midway through the day I was exhausted and frustrated.

Then the light came streaming through the clouds, and rescue was sent to me. God provided people and solutions all over the place, and we made serious headway on the project. At the end of the day, I found myself reflecting on my own responses to the situation, and I was convicted by my own Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. I had failed, because in all of this struggle, I did not look to God, but rather only at the problems around me. I was Peter, sinking into the waves, because I hadn't fixed my eyes on Jesus.

Praise God that He is patient with us! I can look at this time now and learn from it, which is because of His grace; I encourage you, ask yourself how you are giving in to FUD this week!

January 3, 2007

Every Opportunity - Acts 8:4-8

The early church had seen its first martyr, Stephen, and then witnessed the beginning of massive persecution, including the murderous threat of Saul. Yet as men and women alike were being dragged from their own homes for no real crime but preaching the gospel, the followers of Christ were only more emboldened!

We find Phillip, who had been selected as one of the Seven earlier in Acts, proclaiming the good news in Samaria, and performing miracles. It's interesting to note that Philip was "merely" a deacon before this, one who saw to the mundane needs of widows and orphans, not a preacher or evangelist. With the constant threat of persecution, however, God calls Philip out to a new role, and even sends him into what most Jews would consider enemy territory!

I find that I often respond to life's persecutions by becoming defensive, shutting up, cowering or even running away; a stark contrast to the zeal and faith of these early believers! Reading about Philip and others who strove to preach the gospel at every opportunity fills me with a strong desire to be more bold and trust God more as I share my faith with those around me. Don't get me wrong; I'm no gifted evangelist or preacher myself, but I know that doesn't mean I won't be called upon to step into that role at times, and when I am, I pray that my response will be that of Philip.

How do you react to persecution or ridicule? Do you look for every opportunity to share the truth of Christ's love and sacrifice with those you are in contact with? What areas of your life need to be surrendered to Him?

January 2, 2007


I have often in the past taken time off from certain hobbies and activities that I enjoy, mainly to focus on more important things, such as my spiritual life or my family. As I begin the New Year, I find myself compelled to once again lay aside some of these distractions, and enjoy a somewhat quieter life for a while.

This time around, I am giving up two things; video gaming is a hobby that I enjoy thoroughly, and while I do maintain my priorities well in balance with it, I just feel the need to put the old controller down for a bit. The other thing I will fast from is internet use, aside from e-mail and important work-related needs.

I'm giving them both up for one month, beginning today, and I hope to get more reading, writing, sketching, guitar playing and web design done during this month. Please pray for me as I spend this time with fewer distractions and more focus!