Petty Distractions - Numbers 11-13
The nation of Israel had wandered for some time in the desert, and had witnessed some amazing things, constantly being provided for by God. Yet even after all of this, they struggled with petty jealousy, spite, slander and doubt. Joshua, future leader of the nation, cannot stand to see two of the tribal leaders bestowed with a gift of prophesy, and asks Moses to silence them. Aaron and Miriam, Moses' own siblings, speak ill of him behind his back.
Such petty sin and unkind attitudes cripple us all, and when we could enjoy the beauty of Christ and the unity that He desires in His kingdom, the ugliness in our hearts can rip that all away in moments. Our ability to go forth and conquer in His name is stunted and we experience fear and doubt about His directives. To be restored, we must be cleansed, purified, as Miriam was for 7 days outside the camp.
Just after these petty disagreements are recorded, Joshua, Caleb and 10 other men are sent to scout the land of Canaan; the 10 return with a bad report. The land is amazing, but the inhabitants are fearsome and there is no way, in these men's eyes, to overcome them. But in chapter 13, verse 30, Caleb states, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." There was no pettiness in his heart. Caleb had not been tainted by the foolishness of the nation, and saw the reality at hand; a people who are united in following God cannot be stopped.